Redwall by Brian Jacques
It's many years later-- Martin the Warrior is a legend. In Mossflower, the Redwall Abbey was just being built. In this story it's been there for years. We have a new young mouse: Matthias. Matthias is a meek and awkward mouse, but is inspired by the story of Martin the Warrior. As much as the abbey pushes for pacifism, Matthias yearns for something more exciting. And with the arrival of Cluny the Scourge, Matthias gets his chance.

Cluny the Scourge is a bad-assed one-eyed rat who fears nothing. Except possibly Asmodeous the snake. But then, what rodent wouldn't be?
Cluny is so bad ass he's got ferrets and weasles working for him.(Remember in the real animal kingdom ferrets and weasles have rats & mice for lunch) But this is a work of fiction, remember? Again it's time for the inner child.
This book is much like Mossflower. The underdog protecting him and his against what looks like an almost undefeatable enemy. But through quick wit and determination, they get the job done.
It's a good adventure story. Just like Mossflower was. I think the difference in Jacques stories is that while his adventures have their big star who saves the day(Martin, Matthias), at the same time he celebrates the team effort of everyone else. There's this sense that everyone can contribute. Everyone's got something their best suited for that will benefit the cause. It creates a strong sense of teamwork that's really a good thing to find in children's literature.(In terms of what it teaches kids)
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